Interview with composer: Vic Hernandez. | Flowers for Mother - May 5, 2024


Welcome to an inside look at the creative mind behind the world premiere piece "Such beautiful, beautiful hands!" featured in our upcoming concert, "Flowers for Mother." Join us as we sit down with composer and SNS member, Vic Hernandez, to explore the melodies and heartfelt narratives that define his music.

Vic, tell us a little bit about the piece you wrote.

Vic: This piece is special to me because the text behind it is relatable. The poem, written by Emma M.H. Gates, is written from the perspective of a child whose mother is dying and speaking as though they're thankful for their upbringing. It has an innocent undertone along with nostalgia for their childhood.

It's special to me, personally, because of my relationship with my mother. She is a single parent who worked incredibly hard for my sisters and I to have good childhoods. She is still alive, however, when the inevitable arrives, I will remember this piece.

What inspires you artistically?

Vic: What inspires me artistically is a combination of various experiences that I've had in life along with influences of other cultures, artists, and genres.

I would say what inspired me specifically for this piece were hymns that I used to play in church as a young adult. I wanted this piece to have respectful, innocent writing that a child could sing to their mother.

What are you looking forward to in this concert?

Vic: I'm looking forward to the celebration of motherhood.

To have a mother is a gift; I could not relate to those who are mothers, however I can say that having a mother who is loving, reliable, and strong is what I'm most thankful for.

In addition, I'm looking forward to the repertoire-, my favorite pieces being "The Sun Never Says" and "Tabula Rssa"

Anything else you’d like to share?

Vic: I'm eternally grateful to have the opportunity to write for SNS.

I first started singing in choir in 2013 and since then I had dreamed of having my works be sung. I could not be more thankful to the organization, the board members, and the audience. Thank you.

Join us in a heartfelt tribute that embraces the enduring love of mothers, whether they walk beside us in the world or watch over us from the heavens. In "Flowers for Mother," SNS Chorale and The Sunday Night Singers unite to celebrate the guiding presence of these remarkable souls. This moving concert, timed gracefully for Mother's Day, pays homage to themes of maternal love, the nurturing embrace of Mother Nature, and the divine grace of the creator.